Truthfully, I have no idea what I am doing! Striving to establish my own business in this competitive hungry world built on the idea that money is the only the way we can live. What feels like a war tearing me apart from the inside. Thats why I'm trying my best to find ways to meet both the needs of stability for myself and my desire to uplift as many people as possible. Money is temporary and that sounds more and more of a cliche when I say it out loud. However, Art on the other hand is forever. Found deeply engraved in our cultures. The building blocks to our understanding of emotions and expressions. The very stories told throughout our history all accompanied by the Arts.
ATIC studios isn't something I just created, in a way I think it's been cultivated me and aiding me to achieve my vision for the arts in the modern-day world. What that looks like and feels like can only be felt in the moments that I share with those I surround myself with. Seeing all the faces light up with joy as they embrace their inner creative capabilities. Deep down inside I know that ATIC studios will become the beacon of hope and inspiration to one day be looked at, as the start of a movement that's been waiting beneath the surface and has always been nestled within our hearts.
As I continue to build the reputation of ATIC studies while shaping the teaching material that will become the foundation of its belief. I had to break down the steps that it takes in order to do so. Discovering the messages left behind from some of the greatest Artist to walk this earth, like Leonardo De Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, Michealangelo, Frida Kahlo. These people made marvelous strides in their works. For them Discovery was what made their work impactful to the people of their time and into ours and eventually the future. From Discovery to Creation the second most important part of the process. Without it there would be nothing but the thought of it. A thought not captured or recorded will become lost in time. The creation of anything is the spark of all Inspiration; the beacon you could say.
Those are the three major principals that I have found to best describe what Artistic expression is cable of. Discovery, Creation, and Inspiration a repeating process that can be recorded and practiced from the begging of time into the far reaches of the universe. I want to use these ideas as the foundation of ATIC studios. Our code to providing an enriching and encouraging environment, for all those who wish to find their creative expressions buried deep down inside themselves. One could stand up say that talent is what makes the artist, I don't believe talent has say in expression of oneself. This is my ideology and philosophy to bringing forth the modern-day Renaissance. A goal that needs all of us!